From Pastor John Collins:
“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed, rather than having two hands, to be cast into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched-where ‘their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.’” Mark 9:43-44 (NKJV).
Mark 9:43 Jesus preaches Hell |
Jesus goes on to say the same of your foot and your eye, which if it were to cause you to sin, you should cut it off or pluck it out. That is a brutal truth that is said in order to make the hearer
and the reader realize just how important it is for a person to seek to be obedient to God in this life and to not sin. It is also very important for every person living to realize the absolute truth of hell, that it is a place of torment and those that are judged worthy of deserving hell, do indeed go there and everyone who does go there will be there for eternity and the suffering will never stop.
That is not what people want to hear. It is fire and brimstone preaching that our grandparents listened to but we don’t want to hear it, right? There are even many so-called Christians who refuse to accept that existence of hell and have chosen instead to delude themselves and say that “their God” would never create a place of eternal torment and that “their God” is a loving God who would never hurt His children and that means that hell is just being separate from the presence of God, or it is just a metaphor, or it is symbolic of some other state in which we may find ourselves during life or temporarily after death but it is not eternal nor is it a final judgment of torture. That is just wrong thinking and as much as people do not want to hear it or accept the truth of it, hell is real, just as heaven is real.
A choice of good and bad since the beginning |
You cannot have one without the other. There was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden and that means that there has been the choice of good and bad since the beginning. Yes, all that we do in life is a choice and it all leads to the ultimate day of reckoning for everyone. There will be a time in which all will matter and will determine where you spend eternity. Are you going to be forever in heaven or in hell? Are your choices selfish ones, are your choices made with God and His will in mind and do you believe in the truth of the righteousness and truth of God
, in the sacrifice of Jesus and in the available to you, through faith? These are things that you need to be aware of as you go through the day to day activities of your life, as you grow up, get a job, get married, have and raise children and do your best to be a person that can look yourself in the mirror in the morning and feel good about. Could you sit down with God and have a conversation knowing that He knows every single thought and feeling you have ever had and knows every single thing you have ever done alone and with every single person you have ever come into contact with? Could you honestly sit down with God and trust that you have done all that you could to obey Him and not sit there justifying your life?
Don’t waste what time you have been given with denials that are only good to serve your own disobedience. God will not give up on you and you should not give up on you but you must know that you are only given a very limited amount of time here on earth. You should live that life with purpose knowing that your priorities will indeed have you sitting down with God one day so that you don’t have to live with regret while suffering the torments of the damned for all eternity.
“For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt. Salt is good, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another.” Mark 9:49-50 (NKJV).
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